
"THE RECIPE TO SAVE HUMANITY" by Ossi Tager (For Festivals)

"THE RECIPE TO SAVE HUMANITY" by Ossi Tager (For Festivals)





A fictional religious thriller about a man who knows the secrets behind the Bible book to save humanity, who is chased by Shin Bet Internal security who want to stop him from publishing this revolutionary information.


This movie is the result of a 54-year investigation of the Bible. It will shock all of humanity, and teach us that "everything we know we don't need to know, and what we need to know we don't know".

After realizing the historical mistake we caused, in order to correct it, it is necessary to admit it - something that conflicts with our known reality and is not liked by the world's nations leaders. This news causes the involvement of all international security who wish to keep the matter quiet.

"What you need to know you don't know,

and what you know you don't need to know"


Ossi Tager, born in 1957, grew up in Tel Aviv and has been involved in literature and cinema all his life. He is a member of the Hebrew Writers' Association in Israel, and has written several books in his lifetime, showcasing his rich storytelling abilities.

Tager’s passion for Biblical studies and creative expression culminated in his debut film, The Recipe to Save Humanity. This groundbreaking Biblical Mystery explores profound themes rooted in his deep study and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, presenting a thrilling and revolutionary Religious Thriller that captivates audiences with its compelling narrative and thought-provoking insights.

We hope you enjoy it!

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